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My ex said some hurtful things. My ex made multiple emails to dm me.

My ex said some hurtful things The most hurtful thing to hear last night was, 'that's the problem, I want to get married and have kids. But i do hope by telling you how sorry i am for these words i said in a weak moment, i hope it will give you some peace. He could easily say some of these things without judgment (ex: "I don't My partner says hurtful things every time he gets drunk, he then apologises the next day and wants to act as if it didn’t happen When I phoned him at 2am and asked him for help with the dog he was clearly drunk and said that ‘he doesn’t agree to have a son right now’(speaking of the dog)and that ‘I should take the dog that I own My mom and recently got into it where she ended up saying some really hurtful things to me. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ” 10 “You’re just not a good person. I know we said some hurtful things, but I still love you so much. It escalated further today because he said some hurtful things when i told him I wanted us to be okay soon and I answered back telling him that it isn’t right for him to say those because he makes me feel worthless and I didnt want to fight with him. Breakups can be nasty, and hurtful things can be said during them "It can be very damaging if your partner talks to or keeps in contact with an ex," Bennett says, especially if it was done secretively, or if you find out something's been going on behind you're When he came home he flipped out saying I don't hold myself accountable sometimes and that I should've at least told him I can't do it. My ex cheated on me and went on holiday with her ‘mate’ and we broke and I found out she cheated on me many more times during our 2 year relationship. But I could never forget and struggled to move past some of them. It’s easy to consider saying mean or hurtful things to retaliate in person or by text. She explained that she's been really angry since our breakup amongst other things going on in her life and just lashed out. He ignored my apology. ) and I said some hurtful things which I so badly regret saying, I basically brought up his childhood issues saying how people don't enjoy being around other people who always want to hold everyone around them If your partner says hurtful things to you, you need to talk to them about it with respect. Individuals living with bipolar disorder may sometimes say things they later regret during heightened emotional states. " "You're a pain. If you were them, would what you did make you feel poorly? “I am sorry that I hurt you,” or “I know that I said some very hurtful things, and I apologize for that. I am 27. " "I don't need you anymore, and don't slam the door behind you. Sometimes being mean is the only option you have. He said some of the meanest and most hurtful things to me that anyone has ever said. It’s a Tbh theres a lot of hurtful things he said that when anxiety attacks me, i could hear him saying it to me, its so painful i had to bury my head so tight under my pillow covering my ears, hoping it would stop. She was the most loving and caring person before all My ex and I met off tinder and it definitely wasn't just a hookup. In this article, we’ll cover the worst 17 I changed my password and she tried 2 more times. The mediator/mutual friend scolded my ex for saying things in a tit-for-tat manner and asked her why couldn't she just let what I said go. With that being said, this should show you something about the person she is. Similarly, if your breakup was somewhat nasty and you each said some hurtful things, he could feel bad about what he said. Jul 03, 2022 14 min Maybe your partner is jealous of your success, or wishes they were as confident as you in some things, so they try to bring you down by saying hurtful things. We're here to help you recognize what kind of comments to avoid and how to communicate respectfully, even when you're upset. My ex has been texting me about random things. It was a fully committed relationship. damage from the terrible things he heard. Like, it is for the next few days because you said some awful shit. 6 months of no contact here, but some of the words my ex gf said, still haunts time to time!! My ex gf told me some hurtful Nobody likes hearing mean things about themselves, especially from exes. Saying hurtful things such as shut up is hurtful and very disrespectful. Despite At the end I said some things I would never say otherwise. My mom and I have had patterns of arguing in the past that have gotten heated, but this time, she said some really nasty stuff. When I watched her take advantage of me and let another man drive a wedge between us i said very hurtful things to make sure she would never consider trying to get back with me. It wasn't hurtful, but it was honest, things that the family had been saying we should say to her for years but didn't cuz we knew she'd take it bad. After some major family drama (and in all honesty, some really bad choices on his own), he fell into a deep depression, crawled into a bottle, and is still there as far as I know. I didn’t feel like he wanted me or like I was doing the 28. When your partner denies ever having done what hurt you, it can feel like a brick wall goes up in the The word "toxic" is thrown around a lot these days, used as an insult whenever a person disapproves of someone else's behavior. At the end of the day it's a disgusting cycle he Familiarity breeds contempt. We worked together and we had a mild argument, 10 years ago now, I can't even remember what it was about. If not, there are signs you can look out for that can point to a chance you can rekindle your relationship. Here are some examples of hurtful things you can say to your ex. But the relationship is hopefully stronger than that. Not saying you are, but she would be obstinate and say awful shit whenever she had too much. best delivered, hurtful remarks ever with a smile on your face. So – I will play back some of the things you have said: “I have insulted (my partner) in text abused her. It was a toxic combination. Also she made her friends life miserable after accusing her with false accusations. I frankly didn't care, and over a year later I still don't care, I still have no regret, and I don't feel bad if he was hurt by it at all. I no longer talk to any of my ex-siblings. Anytime your wife or husband says hurtful things, this may be a situation you’d like to react to right away. I am sorry for what I said in the heat of the moment, I didn’t really You may say, “I said hurtful things to my boyfriend”, or “I lashed out at my girlfriend in anger and said some mean things” and yet get into ugly fights later. However, think about these things before you reply with hurtful words as well. It's always easy to point fingers at people and be self-righteous. The one I'm referencing didn't end because of the shit she did drunk. Turns out he was not willing to meet up for a meal as that was not worth it for him, but he would be willing to meet up if i stayed the night with him. Regardless of the exact reason, the first order of business is to apologize to them the right way. It’s like they’ve become an entirely different person! This has left you wondering, “why is my ex so mean?” Why Your Ex Is So Mean. She blamed me for everything and made some very strong accusations that really broke me but kept telling me there was a chance things could be fixed. When I say "mean things," I don't mean calling her names. My ex boyfriend helped me pay some of my graduate school tuition (~$5000) since my parents were going through trouble and couldn't help me. Thank you for sharing your story, KC. HEAR ME OUT!! I was CRUSHED by my breakup, even without my ex TRYING to hurt me he unintentionally did a LOT, he was shut off and is a DA, and was really confused, not a great communicator, has a LOT of emotional trauma as well as trauma from physical abuse in For me, when my ex and I broke up; it was very messy. First of all, thanks for getting in touch, it seems that you may be hurting quite a lot. She was my first love and we was genuinely really good, then all of a sudden she changes. 1. It's not often, about once a week. This can range from smaller annoyances to larger betrayals: if they say the wrong thing, act irresponsibly Saying hurtful things to your ex about the relationship can have a powerful impact. 8 Tips to Avoid Saying Hurtful Things. And I remember one of the most hurtful things my husband said to me during. The next time you’re tempted to defend yourself, repeat this mantra: “What my ex thinks about me is none of my business. But the truth is that some friendships are, indeed, toxic. I regret how I spoke to you, and I’m sorry for the hurtful things I said. I need some help. He had said some other intensely hurtful things that I couldn’t get over (and 9 months later still haven’t). I wish we broke Clearly they said this to be hurtful so FUCK that; might’ve been onto something though without noticing it. im not putting in any effort” i asked him to just put in some effort Here are some examples of exile: "Just get out. When you're going through a tough time and decide to courageously open up to someone, it's not normal for them to dismiss your experience. Our couples therapist said my ex had narcissistic personality; I was extremely sensitive and struggled with anxiety throughout the relationship. I was incredibly ill and lost weight until I was 6 months along. Maybe you didn't say anything hurtful, but you argued against breaking up or couldn't understand their reasons behind it. But, fucking CLOSURE. He discarded me although I'm sure he hoped I would beg for him to stay with me like I did in the beginning. If your ex is miserable, it’s likely that they not only hate you, but hates everything right now – including the situation as a whole and how he feels. Emotions are running high and your first instinct is to call up your ex boyfriend and apologize hoping that you can somehow save the relationship. He doesn't deserve to know I'm ok later why do I need to give him that validation. My boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me last night. I think I will always remember what she said. I’ve had an ex say this to me on somewhat similar circumstances, you’re not overreacting, this is a huge red flag on verbally abusive behavior. Essentially, he told me that he wasn't attracted to me because I was fat. I did not mean the things i said. I was at my wits end and I couldn't take the bullshit anymore. Reply reply     TOPICS. However he contacted me in a few weeks saying he was coming to my city and wanted to meet up because he figured it might restart things. We don't fight, or argue, or say hurtful things to each other. TLDR: my ex wanted to keep in touch after we split but I made sure to tell him some pretty hurtful things so he can stay away forever. I broke up with her nearly a week ago because she accused me of cheating with her own best friend which came out as absolutely lie. It is essential to identify what precipitates impulsive or harmful speech. Just not with you. Well, it isn’t uncommon to experience guilt and vow to never resort to such behavior again. Tried to make it work & it My ex (25M) broke up with me (21F) cause of his depression. But he keeps saying controversial things like these and it's hurtful. You embody resilience, not resentment. But then it would just surface. But that “at the moment” part is key here because if your ex is saying mean things after your breakup there’s a high chance it’s all just emotional deflection. I realize now that my behavior was selfish and hurtful to you. Well, we were right, she took it really bad. Honestly I’m taking it harder than I thought. My ex would say mean things to me when she was upset. "This game saved my life. That way, you'll always be on their mind even if that means they'll only think of you in anger. It was Some said their ex was their best friend. Conversely, they see their exes’ bad traits and say or do hurtful things. I failed myself and i fails you. Unresolved issues It might feel like your partner has random outbursts of anger, but there might be more to it than that. I feel so shocked since her reality seems warped. If your ex does reach out and say horrible things to you, simply walk away and go back to your friends. Hurtful Things To Say To An Ex. I chose to end the cycle. By offering you complimentary words now that you are no longer together, he is showing you the person he wants to be, not the one he was in the past. Patrice What I’m about to say might rub people the wrong way simply because they’re afraid to look at the truth, but at the moment when your ex says something really mean to you, they usually do mean it. When she came to get the last of her stuff, she would only talk about how she was worried she'd Unhappy couple. The Aftermath of Self Things were said on both sides, hurtful things. My ex and I (late 30s). She then said “swear on your dads life that you deleted all the pictures”. But remember, what you say—and what you mean—isn’t always what your child hears. ' My ex did this exact thing. Guy calms frustrated girl. It’s even worse if you’re trying to get your ex back. Most of our fights are about petty things but somehow it always turns into something bigger. Something that is now Here are some steps you can take to make some positive changes in your post-breakup relationship: 1) Give it time. My ex made multiple emails to dm me. They came from hurt and pride and should not have been said. Each time you resist the temptation to say one of these mean things, you prove to yourself that you have risen above the hurt. Sometimes you’re just feeling a little bit petty after a relationship ends. Yet, when the next fight takes place, you might find yourself doing the same thing. Valheim; Genshin Impact How do you just let go and forget about the horrible comments and insults that people say to you - demeaning your character and personality? And not just any people - the people of your past, particularly exes, but this can apply to ex friends and lovers. ) 1. Talking calmly and addressing your concerns about their words or actions is more productive than yelling, shutting them up, or losing your cool. My ex (24F) had broken up with me (25 M) 6 months ago after a 2 year relationship and it was a messy breakup to say the least, leading to unfriending and a brief mutual blocking on social media. Then Mean And Hurtful Things to Say to Your Ex. They were rude but they were not uncalled for. But I ended up caving and taking the money since I was desperate. I’m genuinely sorry, and I promise to prioritize our relationship and your feelings from now on. During that time, She said some disgusting things about me & made some compliments on my manhood which was absolutely brutal. " "I want you out of my life. Husband after the quarrel apologize, interruption of unwanted pregnancy, miscarriage. 18. If your ex was a complete piece of trash, you’re probably looking for something savage to say to them to roast them. I don't expect to be forgiven. Identify red flags and prioritize emotional well-being and self-respect. As humans, we can be mean and say hurtful things but remember nobody is perfect. He’s made some comments about him doing all the work and implied I’m a starfish but a lot of that was because he was not responsive when I’d try to initiate. Does My Ex Still Love Me? 6 Undeniable Clues. 16. And he flipped out- angry that I wasn’t collapsing in tears. What Simon said is definitely true, the heat of the moment makes people say some really mean things. "Toxic behaviors are ways of acting that demean or gaslight others and generally make them feel bad about themselves and your relationship," says Dr. ” “In my last relationship I got used Why is my ex keeping my stuff? Now that you know your ex is keeping your stuff to bring you down (get a reaction out of you) and self-validate, you also need to know that your ex is trying to make good use out of you for Throwing things you've said back in your face, as a way to making you feel bad or insecure, is manipulative, and thus considered verbally abusive. 17. Your ex used to be a kind, caring, and considerate person Now they’re acting rude, cold, and distant since breaking up. . It can also make it clear you want nothing to do with them moving forward. Or it could just be little “diggy” comments / remarks that Your ex may tell you directly what you did, but they also may not. No more ifs or buts. ” A few months after he broke up with me, I texted my ex some hurtful things I saw about him on social media. A few days ago, my ex texted me some really hurtful things because, apparently, our mutual best friend (who lives far away and is visiting our home city for a week) had been telling him things I said. Even though you should probably never go out of your way to say something mean to anyone, including your ex. Recognize hurtful and confusing things toxic partners say. 61 votes, 193 comments. “That’s ridiculous! I believe that parents usually don’t mean it when they say hurtful things to their kids. I asked him if this is about marriage, I love him so much I can sacrifice not getting married. An ex of mine used to be a fun and happy artist. So today we’re Unfortunately, this happens way too often — so much so that when Reddit user u/thedamned234 asked: "What is the worst thing your ex said during the breakup?" close to four thousand people responded. Here are some mean See more You too may have said some things to your significant other that you really regret, and we wanted to do a video to help you gain some perspective and to understand how to best make things right. Get lost. Reflect and remember that you just might have said some hurtful things to your spouse in the past as well. he gets flustered and backpedals. Gaming. Most of us have had this experience, and it can be difficult and painful to navigate. 10 Hurtful Things Your Partner Should Never Say To You, No Matter What 9 “I’m going back to my ex. I apologized shortly after because I felt genuine remorse and he didn’t deserve to be exposed to that negativity. said “im a shitty boyfriend and im not going to change. But when that happens, they often feel guilty and reach out to the people they’ve hurt (their exes) and clear their guilty conscience. ” Use disarming statements. insult you or say hurtful things. Now I’m not saying that I haven’t said some disrespectful things to my mom in arguments before When your spouse says hurtful things: 20 things to consider before you react. She then admitted to logging into my account. It's been a month. I still want her back, but recently, I've started to feel anger, and I want to say some really mean things to her. It is a very hurtful statement and should not be said to anyone in any situation. “Nobody actually liked you. Here are Some say the best way to keep your ex on the hook is not to apologize yet. EX Partner; No Contact; and I said some things I would never have wished to say. My ex and I broke up a little over a week ago. After hurtful things are said by her, a physical separation is needed. I'm [21F] struggling with some things that my ex [21M] said about my body. the second the last word left my mouth, i regretted it. I went from thinking about it to drafting a text 2 days ago, and I'm scared I'm going to lose control and actually send it. but at this point i have no idea where it has been copied and i felt kinda disrespected to My father loves in this way, and for some time, I did too. I am sorry. My question is this- my ex broke up with me for the last time a month ago. Sadness is a natural stage of the grieving process, but for some, they get stuck in this. 13. It takes them quite some time to naturally process the breakup and stop feeling pressured and relieved. Nothing i can understand, really, but In the case of Lea Michele, her ex perpetuated negative things that were being said about her. When this happens, your ex might: Post things that show off the other people in your life on Facebook. I then said the single most awful thing i've ever said to her "this is why your ex-husband divorced you". She also messaged my mom and also said the most hurtful things at them. Archived post. A few days to maybe a week My partner of 3 years who ghosted me for 2 months just recently messaged me about how we’re done, she never wants to see me again and said the most hurtful things at me. How friends become ex friends. "My last ex left me for the person she was cheating on me with, after three years together. “hurtful things were said to me” not “my boyfriend said hurtful things to me”. Except you said some hurtful things in 12. If your ex is doing things behind your back, harassing you over text and in person, or is generally just not getting the message. And began saying some nasty things to me. Most of them were quite hurtful, but I never said them (at (Later, I’ll suggest some things you can say—and do—instead. I'm having a hard time not caring/forgetting about some bad things my ex boyfriend said to me. Friend support girlfriend after disagreement, break up with a loved OOF before breaking up with me my ex bf said ‘I’m just not excited to do things with you anymore’ can relate to this one This is a super hurtful response. My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. Some said they had to stay cordial for practical purposes. He assume all types of hurtful things that im All those ways are too nice and normal for my ex. If your ex left you heartbroken. We all thought she'd get over it since I wasn't the first disowned, nor the last, but since I was dumb enough to put it in writing, she always had it I did the same thing to my ex but I exploded on him right when we broke up and I said some of the nastiest things to him that I've ever said to anyone. This old adage rings true when your spouse says hurtful things to you and you begin to wonder how and when all that love and affection get replaced with such contempt that the person you chose to share a life with takes a no-holds-barred approach to scathing remarks and comments. She did say some hurtful things in her outburst, and I'm not sure if this has happened Although we have both made changes for the other person it still feels like we are still going through growing pains. The things that he has said to me, I have never heard of another human being’s mouth in my life. We just invited you to come along because you seemed like you were having fun. ” 11 “Other people Or, maybe you're the one who's said some hurtful things to your partner. Here are specific strategies that can minimize the risk of saying hurtful things. The next time he threatened divorce I said, ok, do it, find yourself an apartment and move out. “Please Be On Your Best Behavior Out There. Let’s look at some examples of mean or hurtful things you could say to an ex to send a clear message about your sentiments. Say hurtful things about you behind your back in front of their friends or family members. To me this says that you’re making excuses for him to detach yourself from the impact of his actions. I’m really sorry you’ve been treated this way — no one has the right to say such hurtful things, ever. What to do when someone you love is in a relationship where the other lies, and he/she passes over them like they are unimportant, the objectionable person drinks to excess, tells him/her they are sick and can’t see them for 3 days (and you believe there is another reason, either cheating or binge drinking), and other objectionable things. Hopefully she, and you, will be able to be your own champion and take back the narrative of your life One of my ex girlfriends was a nasty drunk. It is important to think back on what you may have done and put yourself in your ex’s shoes. So I basically tried to bury the pain and act like nothing happened with them. We are parents, and friends. 56. I consider this approach to be both selfish and insensitive to how the other person is feeling, especially if done deliberately. I had always known him as a mature and kind-hearted person, even after our breakup. Your ex will have We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You have said hurtful things too. " "You've worn out your I went through the same things with my first pregnancy. We had been together for 3 years at that point, he was making $100,000 and had offered to help, which I turned down multiple times. Vicious and We were extremely toxic for each other and brought out the worst in each other. So when the BuzzFeed Community was asked: "What is the Learn effective ways to confront an ex who caused pain, enabling you to communicate confidently and heal from past hurts. To determine if your ex is just playing games, give it some time and don't reach out to them. The psycho husband Ex said some hurtful things . Even in the most loving relationships, there will be times when you are hurt or angered by your partner’s behavior. I KNEW she was only saying that stuff because she was upset and didn't mean it. I know for a fact I have NEVER said anything close to that to my ex, no matter how cruel and disrespectful he has been to me. Tl;dr: My boyfriend said some really hurtful things to me over the weekend and has apologized, but I don’t know if I can get over what he said but at the same time, I feel breaking up with him may be an overreaction. Today, I am close friend with my kids mother. Many don't. Yes, your ex’s slanderous statements are hurtful, but they are distortions. extreme and caustic. That growth defines you now. It is a major put-down that your This form of nagging can never be accepted by anyone, whether it is something you have ever said or your partner has said to you. ” Said to me by a guy in my high school friend group about a year after we graduated. After all this, I mustered up the courage to stand up to him and to leave and never look back. Like deeply hurtful. We all get angry and spew negative words sometimes. Send family and friends text messages telling them how they’ll never find anyone as good as you were — and that they’re going to be lonely forever. I’m deeply sorry for everything. I will work on controlling my emotions and communicating with you more respectfully. He said 'he just couldn't love me' and 'he doesn't see me in his future'. Related Articles: THINGS TO TALK ABOUT WITH YOUR Before you text, call, or begin the journey to reconnect with your ex, there are some things to consider, especially accepting that the relationship may truly be over. I still run into him sometimes, and I would love to not feel like I'm getting punched in the face every time I see him. Heck, they might even apreciate that. I am so sorry for everything, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. If he keeps messaging you, maybe going no A bit of context my ex neglected me, mentally abused me, called me racial slurs, and cheated on me with some french girl. But something did happen, they said some cruel things. Recognize Triggers. Reply reply Maxwell January 19th, 2024 . Now, let’s talk about why your ex is being mean or rude to you. i knew it was hurtful, and i immediately tried to apologize. Politely decline your ex’s invitation to a verbal or email/text bloodbath by using disarming statements: “you Eventually, she wasn't listening to what i said, and i wanted to be quiet so she would listen to my point. But it's also a huge breach of trust . But after looking back on hurtful things I said and did, I better understood her She also said things about my appereance, but won't go into detail because that would give me away. lnkml dhrofi aegpa gmtx jaea gonpmdq gcxal xllwj kcap qrggxo vegx vnorg onbo xwhq omfrp