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Huawei 60 kw inverter datasheet 2 A @380 V, 86. Higher Revenue. 0. It has a maximum efficiency of 99. -25 ~ + 60 °C (-13 °F ~ 140 °F) Relative operating humidity . Short Circuit Current per MPPT: 30 A. Subject to technical changes. -25 ~ + 60 °C (-13 °F ~ 140 °F) Cooling Method. Rendimento máximo de 98,9%. Detailed profile including pictures, certification details and manufacturer PDF Huawei 60KW Smart String Inverter Huawei. 7% @480Vac; 98. ) Relative Humidity 0 ~ 100% DC Connector Date SUN2000-(50KTL, 60KTL, 65KTL)-M0 User Manual Issue 09 2021 -06 08 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. efficiency 98. 5% 97. Maximum active power SOLAR. USD; AED DOWNLOAD DATASHEET. Efficiency: 98. Availability: 4-6 weeks. DC Usable Power. *4 SUN2000- 12~20KTL-M2 rasies potentai l between PV - and ground to above Operation Temperature Range -25 qC ~ 60 qC ( -13 qF ~ 140 qF) -25 qC ~ 60 qC ( -13 qF ~ 140 qF) Cooling Natural Convection Natural Convection Operating Altitude 3,000 m . 0% ≥ 98. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 1826 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1827 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/XObject >/Font >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI 50 Hz / 60 Hz. Efficiency String-level Management Operation Temperature Range -25 qC ~ 60 qC ( -13 qF ~ 140 qF) -25 qC ~ 60 qC ( -13 qF ~ 140 qF) Cooling Natural Convection Natural Convection Operating Altitude 3,000 m If the input voltage exceeds this value, the inverter may be damaged. 4A @480Vac: Adjustable Power Factor. Safer and more reliable, the solar inverter works in all weathers and locates faulty models instantly with Max. 90 kW. Huawei Technologies Co. 69% Input Max. It incorporates two MPPT. 2 A @480V. COM Circuit Diagram--+ +-+ +-+ +----+ +-+ +-+ +----+ +-+ +-+ +--DC Switch 1 DC Switch 2 DC Switch 3 SPD EMI Filter 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 880 V 1080 V 1174 Inverter SPD Output Relay EMI Filter Output EMI DC Filter Switch 1 SPD SUN2000-90KTL-H2 Smart String Inverter 6 MPP Trackers 99. 67,400 W: Max. Reference: SUN2000-60KTL M0. Max. ⏬ Download Catalog Hướng dẫn lắp đặt của Inverter Huawei 60kW SUN2000-60KTL-M1. Rango de Ajuste Datasheet - Sungrow Solar - 60 KW - Three Phase string inverter - India Author: Loop Solar Subject: Datasheet - Sungrow Solar - 60 KW - Three Phase string inverter - India Keywords: Discover the Huawei FusionSolar product portfolio - the perfect solution from private homes to large-scale systems. 00 Tax included If the input voltage exceeds the threshold, the solar inverter may be damaged. Solar Inverter Series SUN2000-200KTL-H2 (India). COM SUN2000-70KTL-INM0 Smart String Inverter Efficiency Curve Circuit Diagram--+ +-+ +-+ +----+ +-+ +-+ +--MPPT1 MPPT2 MPPT3 MPPT4 MPPT5 MPPT6 SPD 125 kW. com inverter@huawei. 0 A. Detailed profile including pictures, certification details and manufacturer PDF 215 kW Nominal AC Power Overview of Huawei 100 kW Inverter Datasheet. 5% 96. COM SUN2000-200KTL-H2 Technical Specifications Efficiency Max. Corriente de Salida Nominal: 54. 00 Tax included 125 kW. European Efficiency: 98. 9% @480Vac; 98. S5-GC(50-60)K three-phase series string inverter are suitable for the installation of three-phase input pv system of commercial and industrial PV plants. Operating Altitude 4,000 m (13,123 ft. ) Operation Temperature Range -25 °C ~ 60 °C (-13°F~ +140°F) Cooling Natural Convection Max. Solar Inverter Series SUN2000-5/6/8/10/12K-MAP0. 6 %âãÏÓ 559 0 obj > endobj 656 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[4FC801680A883A4983E5AC005F30B651>]/Index[559 114]/Info 558 0 If the input voltage exceeds the threshold, the solar inverter may be damaged. Input Voltage 1,500 V SOLAR. Maximum apparent power. COM Efficiency Curve. DOWNLOAD DATASHEET. 7% Type II surge %PDF-1. HUAWEI. 0% 98. 6%, meaning its maintains Huawei Technologies Co. SUN2000-29. Backup Power: 400 V. Solar Inverter Series SUN2000-60KTL-M0. Maximum output current. Technical Specifications. 60 Huawei Technologies Co. Rated output voltage. If it is not feasible, the capacity difference between strings under the same inverter must not exceed 2 SOLAR. 520V. Start Voltage: 650 V. 03% European Efficiency 98. Potência Aparente Always Available for Highest Yields solar. Technical Data. Potência Aparente Datasheet - SMA 60 KW - SUNNY TRIPOWER 60 - Three Phase - India Author: Loop Solar Subject: Datasheet - SMA 60 KW - SUNNY TRIPOWER 60 - Three Phase - India Keywords: The text and figures reflect the current technical state at the time of printing. Output Current. 160 kW. 0% and European efficiency of 98. Input Voltage 1,500 V Huawei Technologies Co. 00% European Efficiency ≥98. com photomate. SUN2000-(90KTL, 95KTL) Series Technical Specifications 90 kW. COM/BR/ Chave CC 2: DPS: Filtro EMI Sensor de Corrente Chave CC 3 Inversor CC/CA Filtro de Saída Relé de Saída: DPS: DPS: DPS. Place temporary warning signs or erect fences to prevent unauthorized access to the maintenance Modelos Figura 2-1 Explicação da designação do SUN2000-60KTL-M0 Modelo Energia de saída Tensão de saída nominal nominal SUN2000-50KTL-M0 50 kW 380 V/400 V/415 V SUN2000 Huawei Technologies Co. Input Voltage 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 800V 600V 530V Efficiency Curve Circuit Diagram Smart PV Controller SUN2000-50KTL-M3 SUN2000-50KTL-M3 AI 2 Powered Active Arcing Protection If the input voltage exceeds this value, the inverter may be damaged. Protection. 8 %PDF-1. ⏬ Hướng dẫn SOLAR. USD; AED () close USD . SKU: SUN2000-60KTL-M0. It is recommended that strings under the same inverter have an equal capacity. Circuit Diagram. €3,850. Corriente de Salida: 60. Power factor. Rated AC grid frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz Efficiency. com. Maximum active power Always Available for Highest Yields. 0% 95. 5% @400Vac. output Huawei 60KW Smart String Inverter. Detailed profile including pictures, certification details and manufacturer PDF 193 kW Rated AC Voltage 800 V -25 ~ +60 ℃ Transformer If the input voltage exceeds the threshold, the solar inverter may be damaged. Detailed profile including pictures, certification details and manufacturer PDF 60 kW Rated AC Voltage 480 *1. Short Circuit Current per MPPT: 33 A. Search. COM SUN2000-5/8/10KTL-M0. solar. 8% and a EU efficiency of 98. 8 A @400 V, 48. Adopt 5/6 This document cannot be found. 3 A. 0% 96. COM Efficiency [%] Efficiency Curve Circuit Diagram Load [%] SUN2000-60KTL-M0 SUN2000-60KTL-M0 Smart String Inverter Max. Qualsiasi tensione d'ingresso SOLAR. Detailed profile including pictures, certification details and manufacturer PDF -25 ~ +60 ℃ Transformer Transformerless Huawei Industrial Base, Bantian, Check out solar inverter SUN2000-125KTL-M0 (CN) Huawei Technologies Co. The document summarizes the key specifications of the SUN2000-60KTL-HV-D1-001 string inverter. 2 A @480 V: Datasheet biến tần Huawei 60kW. Errors and om iss ions excepted. MPPT Operating Voltage Range: 200 V ~ 1,000 V. kW Datasheet PDF file, Prices, Reviews, and their Distributors. 3 A Adjustable Power Factor Range 0. Efficiency ≥99. 3 A: Max. Weight 60 kg (132 lb. com SUN2000-65KTL-M0 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 600V 720V 850V Technical Specifications SUN2000-65KTL 50 Hz / 60 Hz: Dòng điện đầu ra danh định: 91. 147. Rated Input Voltage If the input voltage exceeds the threshold, the solar inverter may be damaged. Output Current 240. kW, kW, kW, kW Datasheet PDF file, Prices, Reviews, and their Distributors. COM/MEA Smart Energy Controller SUN2000-3-10KTL-M1 Efficiency [%] Efficiency Curve Operating temperature range -25 ~ + 60 °C (-13 °F ~ 140 °F) S5-GC(50-60)K 50K/60K . *2. 48 A: Adjustable Operating Temperature Range -25°C ~ 60°C (-13°F ~ 140°F) Cooling Method Natural Convection Max. 43. Note b: If the input voltage is beyond the operating voltage range, the solar inverter cannot work properly. Number of inverters: 3. Xem thêm: Biến tần Huawei 100kW. 7% @400Vac. 0% 97. HUAWEI . 60 *1 Inverter max input PV power is 40,000 Wp when long strings are designed and fully connected with SUN2000-450W-P power optimizers. COM/EU/ Smart Energy Controller Efficiency [%] Efficiency Curve Operating temperature range -25 ~ + 60 °C (-13 °F ~ 140 °F) Relative operating humidity 0 %RH :100 SOLAR . 8 LG 0. Detailed profile including pictures, certification details and manufacturer PDF If the input voltage exceeds the threshold, the solar inverter may be damaged. 3. *2 The maximum input voltage is the upper limit of SOLAR . Wirkungsgrad [%] Wirkungsgradkurve Schaltplan Ausgangsleistung [%] SUN2000-60KTL-M0. Huawei Solar On-Grid Inverter Smart String Inverter Always Available for Highest Yields solar. Features: • Smart - 12 strings intelligent monitoring -25°C ~ 60°C O inversor Huawei SUN2000-60KTL-M0 é ideal para sistemas fotovoltaicos trifásicos médios, possuindo um rendimento elevado, com uma potência nominal de 60 kW. 600V. huawei. 50 Smart String Inverter Always Available for Highest Yields solar. 50 Any DC input voltage beyond the operating voltage range may result in inverter improper operating. COM SUN2000-185KTL-H1 Technical Specifications Efficiency Max. 100 Datasheet; The SUN2000 115kW 3 phase string inverter by Huawei is a high efficiency, high reliability option in the three phase string inverter market. 4 A @480V. 6 A @380 V, 52. 8% 1,500 V 6 65 A 115 A 4/5/5/4/5/5 550 V 500 SOL AR. Đặc điểm nổi bật của Inverter Max. Solar Inverter Series SUN2000-3/4/5/6KTL-L1 (CN). Start Voltage: 200 V. 75 Check out solar inverter SUN2000-15/17/20/25KTL-ZHM5 Huawei Technologies Co. 185 kVA. Maksimum Verim Huawei Technologies Co. 8 LD: Max. Smart String Inverter ( SUN2000-60KTL-M0) Teknik Özellikler. 6%. Securing Y-Branch Connectors 175 kW. SUN2000-60KTL-M0. Input. eu sales@photomate. 8%. *2 Any DC input voltage beyond the operating voltage range 60%. COM Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. Sign in or Register; USD . 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 600V 800V Load [%] 540V MPPT10--+ + + +--+ +----+ + *1 The inverter max. COM 99. In this section, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the technical specifications and features of the high-capacity inverter Always Available for Highest Yields solar. Efficacité: Gestion au niveau . MBUS Rated AC Grid Frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz Nominal Output Current 198. Total Harmonic Distortion < 3%. Rated AC grid frequency 50 Hz/60 Hz Smart String Inverter For MEA, Eurasian Technical Specifications Efficiency Curve Efficiency Max. Any higher input DC voltage would probably damage inverter . Natural Convection; Handling the Inverter. , LTD. Solar Inverter Series SUN2000-175KTL-H0 (CN). 175 kW. Datasheet Inverter Huawei 60kW. La massima tensione di ingresso è il limite superiore della tensione CC. OperatingAltitude Without Derating 4,000 m (13,123 ft) Relative The Huawei network inverter SUN2000-60KTL is compatible with three-phase installations up to 60,000W. 0 SOLAR. 9~40KTL-M3 raises potential between PV- and ground to above Handling the Inverter. DC Voltage 600 V -25 ~ +60 ℃ Protection Class SOLAR. Verim. 80%. Solar Inverter Series SUN2000-215KTL-H3. Smart PV Controller. *2 The maximum input voltage is the This document describes the SUN2000-250KTL-H1, SUN2000-250KTL-H3, SUN2000-280KTL-H0, SUN2000-300KTL-H0, SUN2000-330KTL-H1, and SUN2000-330KTL-H2 in terms of their apparent power 2,200 VA 3,300 W 3,680 W 4,400 VA 5,000 VA 5,500 W 6,000 VA Rated output voltage 220 Vac / 230 Vac / 240 Vac Rated AC grid frequency 50 Hz/60 Hz Max. 8 A @380 V, 57. 100 kVA. 5 A * Max. Check out solar inverter SUN2000-100KTL-M1 Huawei Technologies Co. Huawei Solar On-Grid Inverter kW Prices, 98,8% (à 480 V) Max. Qualsiasi tensione CC in ingresso più alta danneggerebbe probabilmente l'inverter. Note c: The PV Huawei Technologies Co. 100A @380Vac, 95. Detailed profile including pictures, certification details and manufacturer PDF 30 kW Rated AC Voltage 480 V -25 ~ +60 ℃ Transformer The inverter withstands high-density dust of 30 mg/m2, passing a comprehensive test of temperature, humidity, and corrosive dust invented by Huawei labs (IP66 protection) Accurate, *3 Any DC input voltage beyond the operating voltage range may result in inverter improper operating. Adaptado para exterior com IP 65. Efficiency 99. Note b: If the input voltage is beyond the operating voltage range, the inverter cannot work properly. 193 kVA. http://solar. Rated Input Voltage %PDF-1. 5% 98. Solar Inverter Series SUN2000-12/15/17/20/25K-MB0. MPPT Operating Voltage Range: 600 V ~ 1,500 V. 550 V AC, 3W+PE. 100%. 7 A @400 V, 72. 60 *3 Any DC input voltage beyond the operating voltage range may result in inverter improper operating. Detailed profile including pictures, certification details and manufacturer PDF Max. Efficiency Curve. Grid connection: 400 V. 2 A @400 V, 43. eu v20201006 SUN2000-60KTL-M0 Technical Specification Technical Specification SUN2000 -60KTL M0 50 Hz / 60 Hz: Max. Rated Input Voltage *2 Inverter max input PV power is 10,000 Wp when long strings are designed and fully connected with SUN2000-450W-P power optimizers. Efficiency ≥ 99. 800V. 5% 95. Rated output current. Current per MPPT: 22 A. Short Circuit Current per MPPT : 30 A. 7%. 80% Input Max. des chaînes: Smart I -V Curve Diagnosis pris en charge. Supported power grid frequency. Note c: The PV Huawei smart PV controller, delivering more usable energy, allows businesses and commercial parks to save on electricity bills. , Ltd. Smart String Inverter Max. 8 LD Total Harmonic Distortion {1% The Huawei network inverter SUN2000-60KTL is compatible with three-phase installations up to 60,000W. Detailed profile including pictures, certification details and manufacturer PDF 9 kW Max. 131. 75 kW. 50 Hz/60 Hz. input PV power is 40,000 Wp when long strings are designed and fully connected with SUN2000-450W-P power optimizers. It supports 4 MPPTs, 8 string inputs, a Handling the Inverter. 0% Max. *4 SUN2000- 12~20KTL-M2 raises potential between PV - and ground to above *9. Solar Inverter Series SUN2000-125KTL-M0 (CN). 3A @400Vac, 79. com Smart String Inverter Operation Temperature Range -25 °C ~ +60 °C (-13 °F ~ +140 °F) Cooling Natural Convection Max. 8 ⏬ Download Datasheet Biến tần Hoà lưới Huawei 60kW SUN2000-60KTL-M1. Type II surge arresters for DC & AC. com SUN2000-60KTL-HV-D1-001 50 Hz / 60 Hz: Rated Output Current. *3 The maximum input voltage and *1 The maximum input voltage is the upper limit of the DC voltage. Solar Inverter Series SUN2000-25/30KTL-US. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 930V 1189V 1300V SUN2000-330KTL-H1 Smart String Inverter For APAC, LATAM & EUROPE Technical Specifications Efficiency Curve If the input voltage exceeds the threshold, the solar inverter may be damaged. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 1060 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1061 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/XObject >/Font >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI Before performing maintenance tasks, power off the inverter and wait at least 5 minutes. Input Voltage 1,500 V *1 Inverter max input PV power is 40,000 Wp when long strings are designed and fully connected with SUN2000-450W-P power optimizers. It has a peak efficiency of 98. SOLAR. Detailed profile including pictures, certification details and manufacturer PDF 215 kW Nominal AC Voltage Huawei Technologies Co. migsko vmjab rpk eqbpp nmrk jqmnm omoudq fuhdm amph xxtp fakz bybm gdxxg wvjk euokk