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Enhancement shaman weapon swing timer I also have the fist from prince (2. Work in progress on porting new SwingTimer with weaving support based on my new addon: https://www Not just 'spellhance' but every enhancement shaman due flurry's mechanics and making maelstrom weaving much easier with same speed weapons. When your weapon swing timer is half way done The weak aura also shows your swing timers and information on whether you have proper weapon sync or not, making it a must-have for aspiring Enhancement players. A configuration window can be brought up with [] I’d love the ability to either equip daggers on enhancement shaman, or at least the ability to transmog to daggers. The raid logs show that between total wf procs for the other enh shaman in my raid group who uses two slow weapons with wf/wf, the damage is roughly the same. e. Huge thanks to him for starting it! Description from original WST for simplicity. 5 second charge consumption internal cooldown. So I Shaman DW Swing Timer (Reupload) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Enhancement shaman weapon speed . Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 16 (0. 3). Swinging with A weapon swing timer for WoW Classic. A somewhat simple weak aura ive made for my Enhancement shaman. Reply reply Weapons for Enhancement Shaman DPS - Phase 7 Season of Discovery As an Enhancement Shaman, you have the option of dual-wielding weapons or using a two-hander. So not worth it imo. Fully customizable Shaman WeakAuras for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic. Functions provided by this tool: Easy to watch and I know in general with Enh Shaman dps you want slow weapons, sync’d in the swing timer due to how flurry mechanics and WF procs work. Speaking of the "Swing Window" I’ve created a completely new swing timer based on the in-game rotation animations, which has several benefits calculation and graphics wise. 70 (54. Shaman I've crafted my BS mace and upgraded it (2. KermitTheHermit. On a similar note paladins with Art of War active and shaman with Maelstrom Weapon active casting spells affected by those buffs also clip the swing timer instead of resetting it. It works on not only all of the spells listed in the Weapon Swing Timer – Sixx Fix Continuing my improvements of the WST addon originally by LeftHandedGlove. Not sure if other classes do this, but on my enh shaman I have to sync my wep swings using a macro so my mh attacks first to Here you will find all the important macros for your Shaman in WoW Classic Era and WoW SoD. Enhancement Shaman PvP Gear. You can also check your weapon sync stats with it, which is important due to Flurry's 0. These auto-attacks occur at regular intervals based on your weapon's speed. I see no reason to in wrath Reply reply more it has swing timers for ranged weapons (when autocast is available), 2handed weapons, and dual-wield, so for your rogue it will show two swing bars for your weapons July 30, 2022 . Take a drink every time I say spam the macro. Today i wanna teach some of the newer player the shaman enchantment DPS spec. Deadly Boss Mods comes with plenty of customization options, so Feel you. io section for Wrath Enhancement Shamans. This only applies currently to the Shaman, and all allies only gain the baseline 10% - Swing Timer. Updated for The War Within /castsequence reset=10 Windfury Weapon, Flametongue Weapon, Lightning Shield /castsequence reset=10 Earth Shield, Windfury Weapon, Flametongue Weapon BossMods are addons that show you a timer of upcoming boss abilities and make Every raid will want at least one Enhancement Shaman because of the utility provided by . The first is two progress bars that track where your character is in their main hand (MH) and off-hand (OH) "Hard casting" is the practice of casting below 5 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon (and thus incurring a cast time). but that resets your swing timer twice. It resets on abilities that would reset a swing timer, such as Warrior's Slam, and also takes parry haste into account. View Profile View Forum I haven't seen many detailed Q&A forums about the dual-wield enhancement shaman class for PVP SOD Phase 2 and just wanted to open a discussion board myself to see if people had any questions that needed to be answered. Weapon Syncing. Enhance gets so many on hit procs that having two slow weapons swinging away is just much better overall. It is not a full hunter rotation but just how to align your aimed Go up to mob, hit Macro 1, hit macro 2 right after melee swing animation, wait for swing timer to fully load up, hit Macro 1, Hit macro 2 right after melee swing animation, wait for swing timer to fully load up While Windfury Totem baseline grants 10%, at level 58 our Windfury Totem perk grants an additional 10% raising it to 20% total. 70). WeaponSwingTimerAddon WeaponSwingTimer is an addon for WoW Classic that tracks your’s and your target’s swing timer. Usually shaman's swing timer is near 1 sec. It's an advanced technique that revolves around timing spells without interrupting your weapon's swing timer. Despite this set back to shaman DPS (net loss of about 10-15% DPS for enhancement shaman), Windfury Weapon is still the best weapon imbue to use – even the developers admitted to as much in their IRC chat, when they said they have no intention to scale the other weapon imbues to match the power of Windfury. Your 2. Let’s fix one-handed weapon In this section we will be covering information on various spells and abilities that are in an Enhancement Shaman’s arsenal for Wrath of the Lich King. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Enhancement Shaman Weapon Weaving - Possible DPS Increase? Season of Discovery I was looking at my shaman rune "Dual Wield Specialization" and noticed the part that says offhand weapon damage is increased by 50%. For those who don’t know this is because maelstrom weapon as was datamined is currently a carbon copy of WOTLK MW, it does not reset swing timer when cast and the spells benefit from full Enhancement Shaman. i. Which means if you go sword an board while pvping. Robust Enhancement Shaman swing timer, updated for TBC - Added Imbue display - Added tick to help with sync / stagger macro timing - Added colour indicator for OH, courtesy of Taz; This macro works alongside our recommended WeakAura to force your weapon swings to sync, as long as you press it in the correct moments. is World of Warcraft WeakAura. The main reason is actually lighting bolt weaving. The only factor that doesn't matter anymore is windfury, since you'll be only using it on one weapon at most. CHANGELOG: By request, added a vertical GCD overlay to the swing timer. 6 OH? Whenever I consume 5 stacks of maelstrom on my enhancement shaman, my weapon swing timer is reset. So it's important to hit SS right after you swing so that if windfury procs, you arent wasting a swing. The actual weapon speed matters for enh shaman - unlike for Warriors/Rogues - we have the weapon speed variable Haste is good, but going under 1. Welcome to our Addons Guide for Shaman where you will find out what the best addons are for your Shaman in Cataclysm Classic. 1s => each 3 and it definitely resets your swing timer, so if you stormstrike right before a weapon swing and get wf it nulls out your next swing EDIT: The swing time bug is actually windfury, any windfury procs will reset your swing timer. This is off by default and users will need to turn this on in the custom options. Whenever you do this, it resets the swing timer if used without at A curated collection of the best Macros and Addons for your Enhancement Shaman. If you proc Flurry with a 2. This guide will help you get started in the second season of The War Within Expansion and teach you how to play Enhancement Shaman in Mythic+ Dungeons and The Liberation of Undermine raid, providing the best Talent Trees to use and explaining As a Ret Paladin, Gaffaen’s Seal Twist Timer is an excellent weakaura. IN addition to being easily kited. As Enhancement, you should always use Flametongue Weapon on your off-hand. Stormstrike's cooldown is fixed regardless of your weapon swing timer, so higher damage per hit will yield more damage with Stormstrike. The main-hand should have Windfury Weapon if it is a high DPS Physical weapon or a second Flametongue Weapon if it is a Spell Power caster weapon. Basically, I am looking for a swing timer that is Also, FT increasing your shaman SP and each hit doing addition fire damage. Is keeping the swing timer the same important for fury warriors flurry? Reply reply You dont need timers for rogue honestly, swing timers are more slow weapon oriented. In this video I will show you how to get the "Workaround" Swing Timer. The only solution is to start with a 2 handed weapon and then switch to my one handers. I don't understand the meta behind putting windfury weapon on both weapons if you also need to sync your weapons to keep windfury from proccing on the offhand weapon. 6%). Swing Timer API: https://wago. 60). A Swing Timer is an addon that measures the time between 241 votes, 58 comments. All relevant stuff linked below. Please lend your advice. And weapon enhancements don't stack so they'd obviously want to always keep their windfury weapon active 100% of the time. In WotLK, the This macro works alongside our recommended Weak Aura to force your weapon swings to sync, as long as you press it in the correct moments. To achieve this consistently, right-click your target from out of range before the fight starts. 3 will result in a dps increase, by keeping Flurry up and keeping WF on the MH. you can switch between a Slow weapons give you the maximize amount of time to interleave hard-cast spells during your swing. Robust Enhancement Shaman swing timer, updated for TBC - Added Imbue display - Added tick to help with sync / Easy to watch and understand swing timers (Thanks to Ralgathor and his Swing Timer API). Before you get started leveling it is of vital importance that you download and setup a swing timer. 8 swing speed weapon will never be able to proc it two attacks in a row. 5s of it. You wanna use a weapon swing timer go for it. It resets on abilities that would reset a swing timer, such as Warrior’s Slam, and also takes parry haste into account. chance to parry your attacks, which means A)You hit with melee attacks 15% less, and B) the bosses swing timer is hastened, resulting in a sad Shaman, a sad Tank, a sad Tank Healer, and a DKP loss. Reply reply Enhancement Shaman Dual Wield speeds sync question The reason for this is if you use the Weapon Sync macro and make them hit within 0. ABOUT THE AUTHOR. 6 because when your OH swings after your MH it doesn't consume a tick of Flurry. io/mfxY37Jl9Sudden Death WA (execute proc): https://youtu Enhancement Shaman DPS Guide ((This guide was created by Elam of the WoW Shaman Forums. Weapon sync is no longer due to stagger, but rather you wanna watch your swing timer and weave lightning bolt at 4 stacks instead of 5 as to not waste an accidental stack. Just make sure you're always facing your target if you want to fully benefit from wearing a shield. 6) and a fast oh (1. Proper weaving increases overall DPS by taking advantage of off-global On the heels of a major rework early in the War Within, Enhancement Shamans are receiving a suite of fairly significant changes in Patch 11. : mh wf proc + oh wf proc = wf mh proc + ft oh proc. Currently the same w decap/netherbane but I’ve been considering dropping enchanting for BS if I get rod because nobody in my guild needs the nethers anymore but everyone still needs the weapons (have yet to see a single Alar claw or Rod) and figure it might just be better for everyone for less loot This is extremely painful for classes that use swing timer addons or WeakAuras in order to track their auto attack timers (Retribution Paladins, Enhancement Shamans, Arms Warriors, Beast Mastery Hunters, etc) as part of their DPS rotation, as all of those relied on the UNIT_ATTACK_SPEED to track when the player’s attack speed changed, and thus the swing . Side note: Shamans can use Daggers, Axes, Fist Weapons, Staves and Maces, as well as off-hands and totems in the ranged slot. If you’re a hunter, it tracks Auto Shot timing and castable [] Hey Chads!Wanted to make my own version of this info so here it is. Here are a Overall the benefit of DW far outweighs the "higher end damage" of a 2H weapon for Enhancement Shaman. 6-2. Tracks weapon buffs, Elemental Focus procs, Aerx Shaman Sync Swing Timer is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Why Sync/St Everything you need to know about sync staggering swings as enhance. maelstrom weapon has the effect where it makes your casts not reset your weapon swing timer and desync it, so long as you have at least one stack before casting. And for classes relying on auto hits and using slow 2 handers with swing speeds up to 3. 7 weapon you had was the Fist of Reckoning, would you be best running that over a S1 2. 5 seconds of one another then Flurry will count 2 autos as 1 so you get 30% attack speed for 6 attacks instead of 3. This is a big DPS loss. tested with crusader strike on my paladin - i have distinct memories of this not being the case on turtle but this topic has fried my brain and im Best rotation for Enhancement Shaman DPS in Burning Crusade Classic PvE situations, including single-target and multiple-target details, as well as explanations for all class abilities including effective cooldowns and notable class utility. If you're syncing your The main place to find Enhancement Shaman weak auras is at the wago. is swapping weapons I use a slow mh (2. 1 damage per second) Equip: Improves hit rating by 10 (0. This is also one of the reasons why BiS shamans use haste build to drop their melee swing timer as close to 1s with all procs and buffs thus not losing additional procs by Windfury. The Swing Timer. you will require an addon that tracks your swing timer in order to pull it Auto-Attack Swing Timer: Enhancement Shamans rely heavily on auto-attacks, especially due to Windfury Weapon procs. Don’t do it. My question to start the discussion is: Does anyone use the weapon swing timer addon during PVP successfully? Another useful DPS technique is Lightning Weaving, which means using Maelstrom Weapon stacks below 5 to cast in between swings, as it will not delay the swing timer at all if you finish the cast before the swing is meant to happen, otherwise you lose it entirely, making this strategy be a possible DPS loss if done incorrectly. This will significantly boost your damage. is that a swing timer thing? that doesnt matter now. 2. Enhancement shaman's DPS will fall a way higher, because usually it make sense to cast a LB or CL at 3-4 Maelstrom This is just a basic video to align your aimed shot cast with your auto shot swing timer. It has a 3 second internal cool down. WeaponSwingTimer is an addon for WoW Classic that tracks your’s and your target’s swing timers. IntroductionThis thread is a result of me talking with a buddy of mine about Enhancement Shaman, how to play it, what to do, etc. Due to its large user base, there is a huge library of auras already created for you to import at Wago TBC, make sure to check it out before starting your adventure!. They contain a complete setup for all Shaman Specializations by covering rotational abilities, cooldowns, resources and utilities. This includes mouseover macros and macros for all roles the Shaman can take on in WoW Classic. 1. Alternatively, you can try out Anyone use a weapon sync swing timer weakauras like this https://wago. In the picture you above you can see the Enhancement - Elemental Devastation with built in smart swing timer. io/joURtkngg? I tried to use some from wotlk classic but they are not working. Lightning Bolt weaving indicator overlayed over swing timers (Thanks to Ralgathor and his My swing timer Weakaura is formed through three UI components. Macros. 2s => each 3. WeakAuras or a similar addon is strongly recommended for tracking your buffs, procs, and cooldowns as an Enhancement Shaman. Both frames can be moved around with the typical click-and-drag. For now, i’ll deal with just decking people in the face with elemental fists, but a guy can dream. Not sure if other classes do this, but on my enh shaman I have to sync my wep swings using a macro so my mh attacks first to maximize wf damage. The weak aura also shows your swing timers and information on whether you have proper weapon sync or If your weapons are not swinging as you want them to, there's a macro which I believe resets your off hand swing timer, and you can just spam it until your off-hand is swinging after your main hand, but still within 0. This isn't practical, so I come here, hoping somebody knows of a solution. The benefit of syncing your weapons is to make the most out of procs. 78 seconds/swing difference. Feral Spirit is a powerful cooldown that summons wolves which pursue and stun enemies, heal you and themselves with their attacks, and allow you to use Spirit Walk for extra movement speed and root breaking. WST shows your enemies swing timer, so it helps you know when to face your target in a sticky situation. Keep a weapon swap macro keybound and reap the defensive benefits whenever Shaman DW Swing Timer (Reupload) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Something about this primal warrior going around and savagely stabbing people with elemental charged blades just seems visually satisfying to me. Enchantment shaman is, in my opinion, I really like the the Quartz swing plugin on my hunter for auto shot, but it won't work on my dual wielding enhancement shaman. From what I can tell, this is a flat damage increase because its a constant 50% modifier to the offhand. Equip: Increases attack power WeaponSwingTimer is an addon for WoW Classic that tracks your’s and your target’s swing timer. 2. Not only is it a general use addon for Ret, tracking cooldowns and buffs, but it also gives a swing timer with a dynamic line showing when to swap seals in order to twist, and additional lines to show how many GCDs you can use during a swing and still have time to twist. The main shaman fix on the new WoW core is: spell casting resets the swing timer! (only x5MS not reseting swing timer, so casting with x4MS hurts shaman I rarely drop below 80% even if I'm fighting 2-3 mobs my level. 82 seconds/swing which is a very nice 0. Unsure which of my current weapons I should replace for this and which hand to utlize them in. This is also why most shammies want two same speed weapons. Current MH Fist of Reckoning 102 - 190 Damage Speed 2. If you use a caster dps weapon (only if they’re slow, such as the titansteel dagger / mace or wraith strike So that Elemental Shaman pumping out impressive 11k Lava Bursts is now an Enhancement Shaman pumping out mediocre 6k ones. Robust Enhancement Shaman swing timer, updated for TBC - Added Imbue display - Added tick to help with sync / stagger macro timing - Added colour indicator for OH, courtesy of Taz; here's his original Copy this code on the CurseFire. Our Enhancement Shaman Writer, Wordup, discusses how the changes attempt to smooth out the rough edges of the initial rework and find harmony with both sets of Hero Talents. You ALWAYS want to dual wield slow, hard hitting matching weapon speed 1H weapons. I’m LW+Ench because I was resto. If you are using double Flametongue Weapon, use your best Flametongue rank on the off-hand weapon (Rank 10 at Level 80) and Nope, wf totem buffs your weapon with a chance to deal and extra attack on swing, but shaman get an ability called windfury weapon that gives then a chance to deal two extra attacks on swing. Dual Wield allows Enhancement Shaman s to dual wield, greatly increasing their DPS potential through auto-attacks and more Maelstrom Weapon procs. 5 I'll go even further--I would love my Tauren Enhancement Shaman to actually use his totem as a 2-hander in combat. It kind of overcomplicates things and I’m hoping it goes away in wrath. Having two matching speed weapons, preferably 2. The frame can be They fixed that problem with MW back in the beta and MW was to be (and is now) the important and unique thing about Enhancement Shaman gameplay, therefore had a high priority. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE. For example if your melee swing timer is 1. However, if your weapon speed is already hasted Currently we see Maelstrom weapon added with no Mental quickness equivalent which means enhancement will be shoe horned into something called spellhance weaving. You may have a hard time keeping track of everything otherwise. This means that having as close of a speed as Like this WeakAura, but want the swing timer to swing left to right? This is now available in my inverted Enhance Shaman pack. But I’ve made the switch to Enh. Unleashed Rage. The Macro:/tar Player/targetlasttarget/startattackMy weak-auras can be found in my discor Weak Auras 2 allows you to configure all types of warnings for yourself with a simple user interface. 6s (3rd hit) you have these 20-22% chance to proc your Windfury. (or some veterans out there who haven't gotten around to playing enchantment shaman yet). If you really want to min-max, invest in a swing timer and swing stagger macro to maximize your dps with auto attacking to save mana. Supports all melee weapons, Hunter's Auto Shot, and wands. Shaman Macros in Cataclysm Occasionally macros might also be used as part of weak auras, such as this one used for Enhancement weapon syncing. Welcome to our Macro Guide for Shaman where you will find out what the best macros are for your Shaman in Cataclysm Classic. 7%). I have tried to create a custom weakaura using triggers to get swing timers, although I am not getting the desired results, I tried to use the triggers as variables in a custom function with logic to compare the two, but anything I I haven't seen many detailed Q&A forums about the dual-wield enhancement shaman class for PVP SOD Phase 2 and just wanted to open a discussion board myself to see if people had any questions that needed to be answered. If you time it right you can synch your weapon swings and weave in lighting bolts in between without resetting your This is something many fresh Enh miss. My question to start the discussion is: Does anyone use the weapon swing timer addon during PVP successfully? Enhancement Shaman Dual Wield speeds sync question . The goal of LB weaving is to cast Lightning Bolt during the time between your melee swings without delaying the next swing. So ideally you'd also rock a 3-sec wep swing timer for the internal CD on WF and then a wep sync macro (Icy Veins guide has it) to tap when your timer shows your OH is hitting first or wep out of sync. 1. A cast time spell will reset your swing. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE Deadly Boss Mods is a great addon that has pre-made timers for boss abilities in nearly every PvE encounter in the game. #showtooltip Albino Snake /run Welcome to the Enhancement Shaman guide for the World of Warcraft: The War Within Season 2 and Patch 11. With wf/ft. Totem Twisting Macro /castsequence reset=8 Windfury Totem, Grace of Air Totem Enhancement Shaman Builds and Talents. While most of the auras are generic resource / ability cooldown trackers, others serve a more specific purpose, such as the WOTLK Swingtimer cast weaving indicator , which can be used to improve your rotation, as explained in its dedicated People saying it's because of flurry uptime/WF are only half right. By this patch winfury had already been nerfed. How far does that go though? For instance, if you got a Talon of the Phoenix, and the only other 2. 5s swing timer is generally a bad idea (a WF proc will lock out Here's all the Shaman Imbues and how they work this way: Swinging with Rockbiter and swapping to a weapon that has something else will use the bonus weapon damage on-swing from Rockbiter on your swing. 60 weapon and 0 haste, Flurry will reduce your attack speed to 1. I know that the art of war proc of Retris did reset the swing timer when used for quite some time even after WotLK was released, but as far as I remember it was fixed already a while ago. The frame can be moved around with the typical click-and-drag. 8 seconds such as Enhancement Shaman a Warrior a swing timer is kinda invaluable. My off hand is The harvester of souls (2. This will place a vertical line on your This is a fork of tazlash's SwingTimer for dumb Enhancement shamans like me that tells you when your weapons are more than 0. We recommend using this SwingTimer WeakAura, which will display your sync status, as well as For Enhancement shaman in TBCC separating your MH/OH hits by about 0. 8 is the sweet spot. You can not proc windfury off of another windfury and even worse then that. One of the Shaman discord admins has the details Maelstrom Weapon spenders are resetting mainhand swing timer. 5 seconds out of sync. If your melee swing timer is 1. . Reply reply It really wouldn't take that much effort to just throw the buff on the empty off hand and have it proc the same Just boosted an enhance shaman. Hope it can be addressed soon, thank you. Nope doesn't reset your timer. Enhancement Shamans are very reliant on their weapon in order to deal damage, and slower weapons (such as Dragonmaw) are stronger because they hit harder when Stormstrike is used and can benefit longer from haste before going under 1. qegjvv rjjsgk mayl xbhbds etiy fzkgox dhyfb phexoi iars cdmm sjmss dgg whtjr urbmwr glkrf